My name is Kim, i am 21 years old. I am a flexible girl, in excellent physical shape, with a graceful body, always looking feminine and attractive Always glad that I made more friends in mutual respect. My favorite hobby is sport. Well, to be more precise, it's cycling, rollerblading, running, jumping, volleyball, swimming in the pool or at sea. All this helps me to develop perseverance, physical strength, endurance and gives an excellent mood. In addition to sports, I like to drive a car. Sometimes you will see me dressed in sportswear, sometimes in stylish clothes, but always feminine. I do this primarily to please myself and the people around me. I hope that you will be one of them in my room to check this out and get to know each other better.
KimSophisticated ainda não possui um planeamento de presença
KimSophisticated não se encontra conectado há já algum tempo e não podemos oferecer-lhe um planeamento de presença fiável.
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